Ckrads Poker life.

Monday, February 27, 2006


So my floor dodgeball co-ed team won the championship game today. AHHH YEAH!!! We are the chapions, and we got our free shirts to show it off. It was a best of 5 series as usual, but we dominated and won it 3-0 clearly our #2 seeding should have been #1 ; )

So ya we basically rock. UCLA basketball kicked ass sunday and won by 17. A very solid showing with another 2nd half domination. At the campout we ate In n Out brought over by Jennae Lee ; ) Thx Jennae. THen later we ordered Italian Express and all 3 of us who ate it got spaghetti and meatballs. Very Manly.
There was a firealarm at 4AM last night which SUCKED. Mike and I almost got in a scuffle with an asian kid who wouldnt stop smoking even though hundreds of kids were forced to stand in a crowd waiting for the signal to return. sigh, that asshole. We were shouting obscenities are each other for awhile...Then we got return sign and me n rice went to walk in. Well, wwe didnt see buti guess he threw his lit cig at us. If mike or i saw, he would been hit in the face instantly. Ok peace.


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