Ckrads Poker life.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Fun Stuff

So we had our IM dodgeball match tonight. I play on my floros co-ed team. We basically rock ; ) But our opponents didnt show(out of fear, im sure) so we got the forfeit. Then there was some other guys there so we decided to play them for fun. They kicked our ass, especially the girls'. Turns out they are the defending Mens A-league champions. Meaning they were the best dodgeball team last year. So anyways the girls leave after taking some rough head shots and our gusy give it a shot. We put up a fight for a few games but got rocked still. So we swapped teams abit and played another 5-6 competitive games. Good times overall, and good practice for our players. The most impressive trait they had was their insane counterattacks. They dodged with little effort and had you nailed in counter in .0001 second.

In very exciting news, i was just made aware by an online poker friend about this: . I have until March 10th to win one of the daily(i think daily) satellites by making top 9. Once i do that, im in the March 10th finals. The winner of that gets an automatic summer internship with Absolute Poker in San Jose, Costa Rica. The 2nd-9th players all get a phone interview, and they choose TWO of those to get an internship, making 3 internships total.

The interns will work with marketing ideas, software improvement ideas, etc. So they want people interested in business/marketing who also are knowledgable of online poker. This fits me perfectly obviously. I guess i could say i want to win this more then ive ever wanted to win a tourny before. At least since im not 21 and cant play any WSOP/WPT events. Gl to me!

OH also, i would get to use this Spanish im using, because they use Spanish and English there.


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