Ckrads Poker life.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Morongo Part 1

We left at about 9am, and after a slight detour caused by a closed toll road, we walked into the Morongo poker room at 10:45am. The $30 buy-in tournament was already sold out because they capped it at 100 people. That was weak. So I ended up playing 1-3 NL for about 1 hour 45 minutes. Max buyin was $100. We took a lunch break and I was up $80 after the morning session. We then played like 4.5 hours and I did 1-3 NL again and pot 180 in the second session due to stupid shit, including bad beats and a huge dealer fuckup, so I lost $100 for the day.

Morning Session key hands:

Key hand 1: I had been playing tight and hadn’t really played a hand in the 20 minutes. I had already figured out most of the players though just by watching. The best player was this black guy in an OJ simpson shirt. He has crazy hair and tried to look intimidating, but he was cool when either my friend or I talked to him. Hes long fingers and table presence reminded me of ivey slightly. Anyways, two limpers to me on button. Ive got J4o and decide to try to steal pot with a raise and then show, creating a wild image. I raise to $15 and they all fold, and I then toss it face up for all to see.

Key hand 2: Two guys limp in front of me, so I limp for $3 with the 4s3s. This is super unusual for me, but the way the table was playing I had great implied odds. There was a lot of limping with big pots post flop. More limpers behind me and we have a 6-7 person pot. Flop comes KQ2, all spades. Checked to me and I fire out $15 to see what going on. Guy to my left calls, as does the super tight asian kid in seat 9. Guy to my two to my left I thought had something like AK or some paired hand at this point. Asian kid looked like he had the As after contemplating a raise and counting pot odds in his head, haha. Turn card is the 5h. Phew, no more spades. I fire out $30, leaving myself with about 50$. They both call again, so im putting the guy to my left on at least two pair now, as otherwise hed fold one pair seeing the asian kid calling. River is another blank, and I fire out my last $50. Guy to my left calls fast, asian kid folds, so I am thinking my As read was right. The caller flips up QQ for a set of queens. Haha way to not raise with QQ vs 3 limpers, idiot. I take down the pot.

I then lose some small pots and drain down a bit.

Key hand 3: The idiot who called me down with his set of queens had been playing horrible and losing 40$ buy in after $40 buy in. He had just rebought for $40 again and was on the button. It folds to me in mid position with QQ. I made it $12 to go and he called as expected. Flop comes K75. He accidentally checks then go woops its you, and so I go all in sensing weakness. He calls immediately for his last 28$ and the board brings two blanks. He flips over T9o and sayd “ah I didn’t hit a straight.” The guy then gets up and leaves to the tables disappointment.

My friends and I got some lunch at this point. They got Panda Express while I ate some pretty good pizza.

Afternoon session key hands coming soon, along with a dramatic scene which has me screaming at the top of my lungs.


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