Ckrads Poker life.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Reminded why MTTs suck

I was just reminded why multi table tournaments can suck. I entered a 109 on party as i played sngs. first was about 6 grand, and top 30 paid. We get down to hand for hand play around the bubble. I had played in my opinion a flawless tournament. I was shortstacked for the first half othe tournament, then finally made my run with about 80 of the 230 or so left, and was above average or average for the remainder. 35 left, im average with about 6000 and the blinds are 300/600. A guy in early position makes it 1500 to go, and he has about 6k left after that. In mid position i have QQ and decide to push in to try to win in right there, also figuring if im called i am in the lead. He thinks and then calls with AJ! Wow idiot. He flops an ace to bust me of course. At that table i had showed only two hands, AK and AA. My AK lost to a shortstacks A4o all in preflop, and my AA i showed after my small raises got folds. Oh well i guess idiot like that are how ill get a final table stack late, still disappointing to bubble though.


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