Ckrads Poker life.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


well with all midterms behind me i decided to play a little poker today. I entered a $22 NL tourny on stars, a 52+5 10k guaranteed on Bodog, and a few tables of 2/4 NL cash games on stars. I lost the pokerstars tourny 2nd hand or so vs a guy who got all in vs me with a flush dra and hit it. Bodoh tournament had a lot of overlay like msot of their tournament, 127 people so there was like $3400 the site added to prize pool. I ended up taking it down. I was shortstacked all first hour and halfway into 2nd hour, then i made my move. Switchged gears majorly.Got a big stack and bullied my table, got lucky once when i pushed all in on button and gave a bad beat to a short stack Q3 vs AQ. Other than that i didnt really get super lucky anywhere. I played great picking up A LOT of uncontested pots which is always very good in NL poker. I was a monster chip leader all of the final table, stealing blinds and picking spots to bust people. Heads up i had a 3:1 chip lead, and he had button. He limps in, i have KK and make it 9k to go(1.5,3k blinds). He calls and i think 'good." Flop come Q high and i push all in, he calls isntantly with AA and doubles up. WOW! I get KK vs AA first heads up hand. So after that we were even but i wore him down and busted him soon. Final hand he min raises from buton, i call 4k more with J9o. 963 flop, he bets 15k(he had about 48k at start of hand), i push all in and he calls with 87. He misses his 8 outter and i take down the prize of $3,000. Good times. Havent been playing much poker lately though, so this was a fun win.


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