Ckrads Poker life.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


PLayed a 22$ tourny last night, did pretty well. Had a large mix of good beats and bad beats early. I got my aces beat, then beat aces etc. I had a big stack with three tables left and was playing aggresively trying to get a stack for final table where ive had bad luck lately. I was doing well despite some bad situations i made a few moves to regain chips. Then at 2k/4k i made it 16k to go with KK after cutoff limped, i was on button btw. BB calsl all in for his last 12k and KSWeezer calls from cutoff. Flop comes low i bet 16k he folds. BB had 830, he flopped a pair of 3s though. Turn 3, DOH. Woulda put me at like 150k in chips and i woulda been able to bully easily. Oh well. I still do my best and make final table like 3rd in chips. Too bad it took fordever to get to top 9 so the blinds are huge. Some guy has over 400k and i make is 24k to go 2 from button with AJo. He goes all in and i have to fold leaving myself 100k. Then on my big blind short stack goes all in for 14k so i call 6k more and he has 55 i lose the coinflip. im down to like 80k at this point at blnids go up to 6k/12k, ug. im 4th of 7 left. I push in from cutoff with 88 and BB calsl all in for 42kish with ATo. Board is 23453 and he wins with straight. I get QQ UTG that same round and get all folds :l I blinds down to 18k, 6k of wihhc is in the SB. Idiot guy goes all in UTG and i call but hit the rail when 4 clubs fall and he hits king high flush. Ug, i dont really feel icould have played any better. From 50 left and on i payed basically perfect just couldnt get anything going. The fact the 400k guy kept going all in on my BB didnt help either. Oh well. 7th is better than 10th i guess. I got like $80 but first was $3380.

I plan on playing some PS tournies tonight because i finished all my reading.


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