Ckrads Poker life.

Monday, September 13, 2004

20+2 gayness

so i enter a 20+2 tourny on Stars...i play very solid throughout then make some a great call vs some guy with AQ that acted like he had the river K vs my pocket pair...Anyways so average stack is like 6500, ive got a little over 10k. I limp UTG with KK, like 4 callers big stack BB checks, hes got 11k. Flop comes ten high, big stakc immediately goes all in, i immediately calls. Pot is 20k obviously, which puts winner 2nd in chips. He flips over T7o. Sweet hes got 5 outs. Turn blank, river 7 BOOM im screwed over again. Tournaments are just too depressing i dont know why i used to like them. You trap some idiot for all his money and he sucks out on you seemingly every time.

UPDATE: Did the $109 also, did pretty well but lost the majority of my stack AQ vs KQ then lost a coinflip and finished 30th. Top 18 paid.


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