Ckrads Poker life.

Thursday, September 09, 2004


i would be +a lot for the day if not for two horrible events in the span of 3 minutes. Two times i got "all in" after the turn card came, and both times they had just TWO outs with one card to come, making me about a 96% favorite. Both times i lose :(

The hands were: Both times i raised big preflop and then bet flop har,d then pushed in on turn and was called.

hand 1: i have KK he has ATo(haha) Flop: JTx, turn: Q. Thus an ace gives me straight so he needs a ten. BAM TEN.

hand 2: i have AA he has QJo. flop J77. Turn, 2. We get all in and he needs a J. A queen wont work because ill have higher two pair. BOOM Q.

Even with those horrible beats im still up for day. Just goes to show you how bad 2/4 people are.

UPDATE: woops hand 1 hes got 4 outs, a King gives him str8 ;(


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